Creative Mornings San Diego/ Neyensch Printers

This was a project created in collaboration with Neyenesch Printers in San Diego California and Creative Mornings San Diego. Creative Mornings is a monthly meet-up organized across the globe to bring creative people together and listen to talks organized by the community that focuses on a particular subject matter. The theme for this one was “ending”, while the talk is never shared with the artist who is designing, I took this to create an ambigram with the word itself “END” and “FIN”.

Different artists are asked monthly to create a few card designs for each talk. I decided to push my creative abilities and made my first ambigram (which when rotated upside down will read either the same or a different word), showing that we can end the cyclical nature of what is detrimental to our growth as people. I wanted to create a beautiful version that utilized ornamental designs and flourishes. And in the “end” the final product of the card was a great success.

The way I achieved this design was through a pencil on paper approach and later taken into Adobe Illustrator for the End ambigram.

Fin was done completely in Procreate on the Apple Ipad and then taken into Adobe Illustrator for the layout.


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